Old Foundation, New Tricks

My foundation is a 35-year old, multi-billion dollar health funding behemoth that can sometimes be slow to change.  But thanks to the enthusiasm of an executive vice-president who's a fan of technology, we are embracing web 2.0 and exploring ways to incorporate it into our grantmaking.  One of the first steps was to start a blog (http://rwjfblogs.typepad.com/); most recently we started Twittering.  You can follow RWJF through Twitter and recieve its regular tweets on the latest publications, research and foundation news. When this was first announced I was kinda surprised...well, shocked.  Hearing that a foundation this old (in foundation years) was twittering was like hearing that my grandmother had started a My Space page.  But it's exciting news too.  So now I suppose I should join the bandwagon and give Twitter a serious look-see. 

I'm younger than the foundation but can be a little slow to embrace the newest technological trend.  I bought my first iPod in 2006.  I started my Facebook page 2 years ago but refuse to join My Space.  My first reaction to Twitter was "I don't want to know what people are doing every minute of the day".  But the more I read about Twitter's potential as a powerful tool to stay informed, the more curious I've become.  I need help, though.  Send me the philanthropy, health and/or news tweets that you follow so I'm not sifting through what I'm sure are thousands (millions?) of "twitterers" posting notices each day.