Michelle Obama: First Lady!

The following post is from Scott Rooks, who answered my call for writers for New Voices of Philanthropy.. Scott is a nonprofit consultant who writes at Grantfundingonline.com. From Scott:

“It was the best of times , it was the worst of times...” as Charles Dickens declared in his 19th century classic “The Tale of Two Cities”. Never has that opening part of the first sentence been so descriptive of a time period, I believe, as it is now in these United States.

I personally like the best of times half of that declaration. It motivates me to know that this may well be one of the most exciting times in our history. We are on the cusp of the inauguration of the first African American President in our short history and I can feel change in the air! No one exemplifies change more then our soon to be First Lady Michelle Obama.

I first heard Michelle speak on Larry King Live back last year sometime and was so excited because she spoke of change but most of all because she was so positive and inspiring. This week Michelle spoke to me, well it seemed that way because she send You Tube a video message for the citizens of our country. She has declared Monday January 19,2009 as a National Day of Service. How appropriate is that! Martin Luther King Day a day we honor the slain civil rights leader who thought and prayed for change. Well he got it in Michelle Obama, his dream come true!

I hope that you have the day off from work and can honor her request by feeding the hungry some good food, helping the homeless by giving out blankets, take some cans of food to the food bank, help sort clothes at a free clothes store or do something at the many other nonprofit's that need a positive lift that only new volunteers can give them.

I expected nothing less of our soon to be First Lady and she delivered right off the bat. What about you are you going to deliver on January 19th? Let us know how you plan to deliver your service to our great nation by posting a comment.

“It was the best of times...” !

Scott Rooks
Helping Nonprofits to Succeed!